Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Introducing: The Tinkerer

Player: Mr. Bond

A time traveler from the near future who's escapades stranded him during the industrial revolution until he managed to build another time machine using the older technology and then found himself at the Worlds End Tavern in Sigil.

He is wearing a hat that acts as a portable boiler for steam power, Brass goggles with night vision, light adaptive objects, and a range finder. A perpetual motion machine and Handy gloves which have tiny robotic tool hands that sprout from them. He is wearing a Magnetic belt which he can use to deflect or attract metal objects directed his way, but more importantly they hold up his TARDIMP, Time and Relative Dimensions in My Pants.

He can wield his Sonic Spanner in melee if needed but prefers his Pistol or Tesla Cannon.

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